2025 - RSA-Samuel H. Kress Research Fellowship in Renaissance Art History. 10% success rate.
2024-2025 - JUAN DE LA CIERVA Postdoctoral Fellowship ETSAM-IPM, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
2024 - European Commission's HORIZON-MSCA-PF Seal of Excellence. Panel: Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)
2024 - XIX Arquia Proxima 2024 Catalogued Project - Articles for National Geographic History magazine since 2017. 104 projects catalogued from a total of 1060 proposals.
2023 - SAH Scott Opler Emerging Scholar Fellowship. Studies.
2022-2023 - DUMBARTON OAKS FELLOWSHIP for Garden and Landscape Studies, Harvard University, Washington D.C.
2022-2023 - SAH OPLER GRANT for Emerging Professionals 2023.
2022 - KRESS TRAVEL GRANT, RSA 68th Annual Meeting in Dublin, March/April 2022.
2022 - FINALIST OF THE VIII ARQUIA PROXIMA PRIZE, Fundación Arquia (Spain), recognizing the candidate’s research trajectory on architecture and game studies. 28 finalists selected from more than 450 candidates and 950+ submitted projects.
2022 - SHORTLISTED 28th COLOMBIAN BIENNIAL OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM, in the research category, for the book 'Mensajes de Modernidad en la Revista Proa 1946 – 1962' published in 2020 by Ediciones Uniandes.
2021 - SAH GRADUATE STUDENT LIGHTNING TALKS STIPEND for presenting a research paper during the 75th Annual International Conference, Pittsburg, 2021.
2020 - FINALIST 27th COLOMBIAN BIENNIAL OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM, in the divulgation category, for the book Granada Des-Granada: raíces legales de la forma urbana morisca e hispana, as part of the collection of Graduate Thesis edited by Universidad de los Andes and published in 2018.
2020 - SAH GRADUATE STUDENT FELLOWSHIP, 73rd SAH Annual International Conference, 2020.
2019-2020 - GAHTC TARGETED ACQUISITION GRANT, awarded by the Global Arch. History Teaching Collaborative (MIT), for the development of teaching materials on Hispanic urban history.
2020 - Finalist of the 3minuteThesis Competition, Universidad de Granada and Coimbra group.
2019-2020 - ERASMUS+ PhD FELLOWSHIP, supporting a 6 months academic exchange with Universidad de Granada, Spain.
2019 - AISU SUMMERSCHOOL FELLOWSHIP, for participating in the international summerschool ‘Learning by Game Creation: Cultural Heritage, Cities and Digital Humanities’, jointly organized by UCLA and Politecnico di Torino.
2018-2021 - PhD Fellowship Politecnico di Torino. First place in public competition for the PhD program Architecture, History and Project. Turin, Italy.
2016 - Architecture and Design Joint Research Grant for the project “Advertising in PROA magazine during the 50’s”. Los Andes University, School of Architecture and Design in collaboration with the Vice-rectory of Research.
2016 - CUM LAUDE GRADE for high academic skills and excellence during M.Arch 2 studies in Los Andes University, Colombia.
2014 - 2015 - GRADUATE ASSISTANT GRANT, Architecture Department, Los Andes University, Colombia.
2012 - 2013 - INTERN TRAINING GRANT. Granada University scholarship, funding of activities as modelling workshop instructor.
2010 - 2011 - COLLABORATION GRANT. Spanish Ministere of Education Culture and Sports scholarship for Department Collaboration with the Architectural Construction Department at Granada University.
2009 - Euroeditions Prize for the publication of “Le poéme de l’angle droit: reflexiones desde la inexperiencia”. European Foundation for the Information Society.
2009 - Architecture Competition First Prize for the project “Swing: cafetería y restaurante chillout”. Developed as part of the team of Loreto Spá Architecture Office.
2008 - 2009 - RESEARCH INTRODUCTION GRANT, Granada University scholarship for introduction to research. Highest valuation by the jury for research production, publication and academic impact.