2025 - RSA-Samuel H. Kress Research Fellowship in Renaissance Art History.  10% success rate.
2024-2025 - JUAN DE LA CIERVA Postdoctoral Fellowship ETSAM-IPM, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
2024 - European Commission's HORIZON-MSCA-PF Seal of Excellence. Panel: Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)
2024 - XIX Arquia Proxima 2024 Catalogued Project - Articles for National Geographic History magazine since 2017. 104 projects catalogued from a total of 1060 proposals.
2023  -  SAH Scott Opler Emerging Scholar Fellowship. Studies.
2022-2023 - SAH OPLER GRANT for Emerging Professionals 2023.
2022 - KRESS TRAVEL GRANT, RSA 68th Annual Meeting in Dublin, March/April 2022. 
2022 - FINALIST OF THE VIII ARQUIA PROXIMA PRIZE, Fundación Arquia (Spain), recognizing the candidate’s research trajectory on architecture and game studies. 28 finalists selected from more than 450 candidates and 950+ submitted projects.
2022 - SHORTLISTED 28th COLOMBIAN BIENNIAL OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM, in the research category, for the book 'Mensajes de Modernidad en la Revista Proa 1946 – 1962' published in 2020 by Ediciones Uniandes.
2021 - SAH GRADUATE STUDENT LIGHTNING TALKS STIPEND for presenting a research paper during the 75th Annual International Conference, Pittsburg, 2021.
2020 - FINALIST 27th COLOMBIAN BIENNIAL OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM, in the divulgation category, for the book Granada Des-Granada: raíces legales de la forma urbana morisca e hispana, as part of the collection of Graduate Thesis edited by Universidad de los Andes and published in 2018.
2020 - SAH GRADUATE STUDENT FELLOWSHIP, 73rd SAH Annual International Conference, 2020. 
2019-2020 - GAHTC TARGETED ACQUISITION GRANT, awarded by the Global Arch. History Teaching Collaborative (MIT), for the development of teaching materials on Hispanic urban history.
2020 - Finalist of the 3minuteThesis Competition, Universidad de Granada and Coimbra group.
2019-2020 - ERASMUS+ PhD FELLOWSHIP, supporting a 6 months academic exchange with Universidad de Granada, Spain.
2019 - AISU SUMMERSCHOOL FELLOWSHIP, for participating in the international summerschool ‘Learning by Game Creation: Cultural Heritage, Cities and Digital Humanities’, jointly organized by UCLA and Politecnico di Torino.
2018-2021 - PhD Fellowship Politecnico di Torino. First place in public competition for the PhD program Architecture, History and Project. Turin, Italy.
2016 Architecture and Design Joint Research Grant for the project “Advertising in PROA magazine during the 50’s”. Los Andes University, School of Architecture and Design in collaboration with the Vice-rectory of Research.
2016 - CUM LAUDE GRADE for high academic skills and excellence during M.Arch 2 studies in Los Andes University, Colombia.
2014 - 2015 - GRADUATE ASSISTANT GRANT, Architecture Department, Los Andes University, Colombia.
2012 - 2013 - INTERN TRAINING GRANT. Granada University scholarship, funding of activities as modelling workshop instructor.
2010 - 2011 - COLLABORATION GRANT. Spanish Ministere of Education Culture and Sports scholarship for Department Collaboration with the Architectural Construction Department at Granada University.
2009 - Euroeditions Prize for the publication of “Le poéme de l’angle droit: reflexiones desde la inexperiencia”. European Foundation for the Information Society.
2009 - Architecture Competition First Prize for the project “Swing: cafetería y restaurante chillout”. Developed as part of the team of Loreto Spá Architecture Office.
2008 - 2009 - RESEARCH INTRODUCTION GRANT, Granada University scholarship for introduction to research. Highest valuation by the jury for research production, publication and academic impact.
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