Manuel "Saga" Sánchez García is a PhD architect based in Madrid, Spain. After a decade of international experiences, he is now a Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Fellow at the Architectural History Department of ETSAM-UPM. Member of the Cultural Landscapes Research Group (GIPC). Member of the research group HUM-813 “Architecture and Contemporary Culture” Universidad de Granada since 2019. 
Published (National Geographic History) architectural expert for 10+ years, Saga has developed study plans for architects, designers, and artists, contributing from his position of researcher of Global Architectural History and Digital Landscapes. He is specialized in urban history, urban studies, art history, Islamic heritage, architecture design, architectural drawing, game studies. He has been part of urbanism and architecture workshops in places like Granada, Barcelona, Cádiz (Spain), Rome, Venice (Italy), Tetuán, Tamnougalt (Morocco), Los Angeles (USA), Cartagena de Indias and Bogota (Colombia). 
Fellow of Garden and Landscape Studies 2022-2023 at Dumbarton Oaks (Harvard University), Washington DC. Licensed Architect for 10+ years. He Holds a PhD in Architectural History from Politecnico di Torino (Italy, 2022), a PhD in Art History from Universidad de Granada (Spain, 2022), a Masters in Architecture from Universidad de los Andes (Colombia, 2016) and Architecture Licenciatura from Universidad de Granada (Spain, M.Arch2, 2013).
2021-2024 Associate Editor of Architectural Histories, journal of the European Architectural History Network (EAHN), one of the leading open access scholarly publications in this field. Between 2009 and 2020 Manuel was one of the founding members in the editorial board of URBS Revista Científica de Estudios Urbanos y Ciencias Sociales and its associated digital space blogURBS. ​​​​​​​
Manuel has been part of several research projects in Granada University and Los Andes University during the past 10 years. He has also worked as consultant architect for public and private institution, collaborating in the design of educational pensums and facilities. His research has been published in academics journals and divulgation magazines like National Geographic History, LOBBY magazine (Bartlett), Dearq Journal of Architecture (Los Andes), or Claustro de las Artes (Sevilla U.) as well as in several academic congresses and seminars. In 2009 he won the award of the European Foundation for the Information Society.
He has been manager of several digital projects like, an official site of Los Andes University during 2017. He has edited other digital projects as Pedacicos Arquitectónicos and MetaSpace: Architecture and Videogames. Correspondent for, Fundación Arquia blog (Caja de Arquitectos, Spain) and La Ciudad Viva (Junta de Andalucía, Spain), Urban Living Lab, AAAA Magazine, etc.